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How to Stay Organized During the Moving Process

How to Stay Organized During the Moving Process

Moving can be hectic. You have to get used to constant mess and boxes around the house. On top of that, you are always under time pressure. When the moving day gets closer, the stress levels increase, which worsens things. However, everything will seem easier if you learn to stay organized during the moving process. With that in mind, let us look at some of the moving tips when preparing for relocation and figure out the best strategy to ensure a timely move to your new home.

Use a checklist to stay organized during the moving process

A moving checklist is one of the essential steps when preparing for relocation. It will help ensure that everything is packed and keep track of various steps of the moving process and even cut relocation costs. A thorough moving checklist should be split into a couple of stages:

  • Two months before the relocation
  • Six weeks before the relocation
  • Four weeks before the relocation
  • Two weeks before the relocation
  • One week before moving
  • Moving day
  • After the relocation

Let’s look at each stage to see what you should complete while staying on schedule.

Two months before the move

Start at least two months in advance to plan a smooth and stress-free relocation. That will give you enough time to stay organized during the moving process. Now is the time to research moving companies, compare estimates, and plan your relocation budget. Consider all moving services you might need, and calculate potential expenses.

Next, once you pick your moving company, schedule the exact date for your relocation. That is an essential step because it sets a clear timeline for you. If you are moving out of a rental or planning to sell your old home, notify the landlord or the real estate agent on time. They will want to be informed in advance to prepare for your move-out properly.
Additionally, consider any items you do not want to move to the new place. Organize a yard sale to de-clutter your home, or consider gifting some of your unwanted belongings to charity.

Six weeks before the moving day

The packing process can always be challenging. However, if you start to pack your non-essentials at least six weeks before the moving day, you will have a lot of buffer in case something unexpected pops out. Make sure that you have enough packing supplies you will need for the upcoming move. If you have these supplies at hand, you don’t have to stop packing to go and get more. Nevertheless, plan regular breaks to relax during the packing.
Furthermore, notify the internet provider, utility, and cable company about the move-out day. That is to ensure that all bills are paid on time so that you can end the contracts on time.

Four weeks before the moving day

The majority of your non-essentials should already be packed by now. Remember that you will still need some items for general use before the moving day comes. Also, consider the unpacking process after the relocation and the stuff you want to unpack first. During this time, you want to prepare a list of your belongings for the essentials box.

Furthermore, inform all of your friends and family about the relocation. If you are quitting your job, notify your employer so they can plan for your departure promptly. If you are just moving locally, let your manager know you will take a couple of days off to take care of the relocation.

Two weeks before the moving day

Go through the packed items and see if there is anything you forgot to pack. The best way to do this process is room by room. If you know there are items you won’t be using for the next two weeks, make sure they are all packed.

As you finalize your packing process, label all boxes with the designated room for unpacking, and create a list of the items stored inside. That will ensure you know what’s in which box, in case you need it.

You should also slowly start cleaning your home. If you live in a house, start with packed rooms, and take your time. There is still plenty of time, so there is no need to rush or overwork yourself.

One week before the moving day

At this moment, you should be fully packed. The only leftover belongings should be the items you are still using, like a spare change of clothing, cutlery, toiletries, etc. You want to slowly pack the remaining things as the moving day gets closer and closer. Consider eating out if you wish to pack your kitchen two or three days before the move.
Furthermore, finalize any last-minute errands, and contact your movers to verify the moving date. That is necessary because you want to be informed on time in case of sudden changes.
If you have pets, figure out the best way to move them to your new home. Or, you can leave them at a friend’s place until the relocation ends and pick them up later.

Moving day

The moving day has finally arrived! Go through the packed boxes and do a final walkthrough of all the rooms to check for any leftover belongings. Ensure all items from your checklist are crossed out and completed. Navigate your movers to your home, and ensure there is enough space for them to move around the house swiftly.

After the move

Once the relocation finishes, you should unpack the essentials box for the first night in your new home. Also, remember to update your address. When you unpack, remove the moving boxes and slowly put things in their place.

Final step – meeting the neighborhood!

You can finally relax! This guide will help you stay organized during the moving process. After you are unpacked, spend some time meeting the neighborhood and enjoying your new home! The relocation is behind you, and a fresh, new start awaits!

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